HR Services and Support

On the Cutting Edge of HR

In an ever-changing landscape of compliance requirements, social issues, and HR policies, the risk is too high to take chances. Unfortunately, one poor decision or missed deadline could negatively affect your business. HR Edge provides HR consulting to minimize compliance risk and leverage industry best practices. They can even support the everyday items that need to be done - like policy and handbook reviews and other critical HR support services.

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Get Support for Your Day-to-Day, and Key Priorities

Rely on Experts You Can Trust

Given how rapidly complex HR regulations change at the federal, state, and local level, even the most tenured HR professionals could use support. With HR Edge, your HR Account Manager is just a call or email away.

Self-Serve with On-Demand Resources

Access a comprehensive, up-to-date library of detailed articles, guides, and resources providing expert HR guidance on topics like healthcare reform, wages and hours, employee leave, state laws, discrimination, and more.

Promote a Safe Workplace and Drive Compliance

Use out-of-the-box, interactive training courses to educate and assess employee knowledge on topics such as cybersecurity, harassment, and anti-bullying.

Create a Foundation for Employee Success

Whether you’re looking to create a handbook from scratch or brush up what you already have, Paylocity’s HR services can help create a consistent set of rules and responses to drive compliance, improve efficiency and connectedness across all areas of your business.

Stay Compliant and Confident When Recruiting

Differentiate Your Company and Values

HR Edge offers guidance on developing a top-notch career web page, compelling social media presence and more to truly showcase your culture.

Attract Quality Candidates

Craft strong, comprehensive job descriptions that clearly state expectations, responsibilities, and qualifications.

Offer Competitive Pay

Go from budgeting for a new position, to making the right offer, to determining pay raises with confidence, using modern compensation analysis tools.

Take Back Your Time with Modern Payroll Solutions

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Frequently Asked Questions

In today's complex world of compliance requirements, social issues, and HR policies, the risk is too high to “get it wrong.” Unfortunately, one poor decision or missed deadline could negatively impact a business. Paylocity’s HR Edge, our human resources support service, partners with your company to minimize risk, enhance your brand, show you how to retain employees, and more.

Paylocity provides both live support and self-service resources as part of our HR consulting. Each client has a dedicated Account Manager who can help you work within existing HR laws and regulations. You also get access to a comprehensive library of detailed articles, guides, and other resources on key topics like benefits administration, employee management, wages, retention, and more. We also help you keep employees up to date on company policies with custom compliance courses and employee handbooks.

HR consulting is priced per employee per month and does not increase as your organization grows, so you can work through new challenges with your Account Manager at each stage of your business. Enhance your employer branding, craft compelling job descriptions, and access modern compensation analysis tools — all for a fixed price. See Paylocity pricing information