Nearly 80% of U.S. workers live paycheck to paycheck, and one in four don’t set aside monthly savings. Offer a no-hassle alternative to high-interest payday loans with early access to a portion of earned wages.
On Demand Payment Solutions
Drive a better employee experience.
How It Works
Helping You Attract and Retain Talent
Loved by Employers and Employees
Frequently Asked Questions
On demand payment allows employees to obtain a portion of their wages as they acquire them throughout their pay period. As an employer, you can opt into this feature and choose which employees have access to it. Employees can then request advanced wages as needed.
On demand pay offers the opportunity for employees and employers to be flexible with wages in multiple ways:
For employees: On demand wages allow access to a portion of earned money when they need it most, in advance of the next regularly scheduled pay date. This provides more financial security and flexibility for an employee when dealing with unexpected financial situations.
For employers: Payment on demand can provide greater employee retention and satisfaction by helping reduce financial burden as needed. Advanced wages can also be an enticing perk for hiring candidates in a competitive talent market.
It’s easy to offer, too! Paylocity’s On Demand Payment solution takes care of the logistics – Funds come from earned wages as well, so there’s minimal impact on your usual payroll processes.
Read more about the benefits of on demand payment in our resource library.