Headcount Planning

Ditch spreadsheets with centralized headcount planning.

Streamline headcount plans without worrying about who can see what data. Automated notifications keep things moving, while HR can easily open roles for approved positions.

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Headcount Planning Features

Transform Headcount Planning 

Streamline hiring with centralized processes, automated permissions, and real-time insights. Paylocity’s Headcount Planning empowers Finance, HR, and recruiting teams to collaborate effectively and make smarter decisions. 

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Centralize Planning into One Platform

Collaborate on plans across the company using the employee record as the single source of truth. Save time and make accurate forecasts in one unified system.

Control Planning Permissions 

Advanced visibility controls ensure stakeholders have the right level of access for your most sensitive team information. Eliminating spreadsheet reconciliation reduces errors and cuts time spent on manual data entry.

Set Clear Company Goals

Use HR data to create company plans, whether they’re built top-down, bottom-up, or blended. Set and measure headcount targets – as budget costs or count of employees – for granular control.  

Advanced Talent Control

Map current and future needs at the seat- and employee-level with advanced position and budget details sourced directly from existing payroll and HR records for the most accurate look at your planning needs.

Expedite the Process with Workflows

Advanced automation tools like conditional routing, approvals, and notifications keep the process moving efficiently while ensuring all teams are aligned.  

Employee Lifecycle Automation

Make sure recruiters stay focused on the highest priority roles with an integrated planning and requisition process. See role approvals as soon as they happen to keep the process moving.

Stay Ahead of Off-Cycle Requests 

Manage changes whenever they happen with updated financial guidance at each step of the process. See how personnel updates impact the broader plan and the overall budget whether you plan by seat or employee.

Get Actionable Data

Centralized plans unlock detailed spend analytics, termination reports, and forecasting to help you make smarter and faster decisions, keeping your team staffed and your plan on track.

Unify Headcount and Recruitment Workflows

Automatically transfer approved roles to open with the Paylocity recruitment module. Help recruiting move faster to lock down top talent by automating the manual aspects of the hiring approval process.

Visualize Talent Plans 

See exactly how planned hires fit within your Paylocity org chart. Get status updates and drill into role details – by seat or employee – for complete planning control.  

Manage Everything Between Planning and Payroll

By integrating headcount management into your HR strategy, you can boost efficiency, agility, and ensure every hire drives success.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Headcount Planning with Paylocity means a centralized process with a system everyone is already using that supports custom workflows, approval steps, and notifications that keep the process moving. Advanced permissions on data access means no more reconciling dozens of spreadsheets floating around your organization, each containing sensitive employee and salary details. The end result is an annual plan that’s easier and faster to execute. 

Yes! Headcount plans made within Paylocity can be synced to your ERP for a single source of truth across the finance team. Learn more about Paylocity’s integration capabilities here. 

Our headcount planning solution supports planning at the seat and employee level, pulling directly from live data available within Paylocity’s core HR system. Looking at the seat-level view shows details around previous employees in the role along with demographic and salary information. 

While manual headcount planning in spreadsheets typically includes overestimating a percentage of salary to include tax, benefits, and commission amounts into consideration, these advanced models are built into Paylocity, using real-time payroll and HR data for more accurate budget forecasting and accurate plans. 

Yes! With snapshots, finance teams can compare forecasted plans to actual performance to better understand deviations, and the steps to take to reconcile the annual plan. 

Once roles are approved in Headcount Planning, recruiters can easily open new roles using the job description and salary data already created for a cohesive planning experience.