Employee Scheduling Software

Streamline your Scheduling

Nearly 60% of workers in the U.S. are hourly employees. But managing staffing needs, budgets, credentials, and schedule changes can become a full-time job—and only gets more complicated as organizations get larger. Paylocity helps ensure appropriate shift coverage, minimize unplanned costs, and increase employee engagement—helping to minimize no-show rate.

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How Scheduling Helps Supervisors

Ensure Coverage by Role or Location

Rather than scheduling at the individual employee level, use role-based scheduling and location-based scheduling to ensure you have the coverage you need.

Don’t Stress About Qualifications

The system checks skills and certifications (including expirations) when assessing the employees shown as available to work based on role—so you don’t have to.

Minimize Unplanned Costs

Based on your unique historical punch data, Paylocity can surface estimated hours required for future workdays to help ensure appropriate coverage. Real-time alerts help avoid the extra costs of overtime.

Empower Employees and Minimize No-Shows

Set schedules and capacity needs and empower your employees to claim open shifts or even swap shifts with peers if their plans change.

Make Updates Anytime, Anywhere

With the Paylocity mobile app, busy managers can view schedules and make updates on the go. When you add, edit, or delete shifts, employees are notified in real time.

Easily Manage Compliance

Set established lunches and breaks, shift rules, and even validate skills and certifications. Employee rates and overtime are automatically considered.

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Why Employees Love Scheduling

Make a Trade

Swapping with colleagues provides employees with flexibility should their schedules change.

Access Schedules 24/7

With the Paylocity mobile app, shifts can be viewed anytime, anywhere, ensuring employees know when and where they’re working.

Work at Times That…Work

Employees can provide managers with preferred or unavailable working times and request to claim open shifts.

Never Miss an Update

Mobile notifications alert employees when shifts are published or if changes are made.

Navigating the Buying Process for HR and Payroll Solutions

All HR technology is not created equal. Our guide helps you find the right solution that will keep your organization competitive and your workforce thriving.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Employee scheduling software is a type of time and labor management software specifically designed for creating and managing employee schedules. It allows managers to create schedules, assign shifts, and make changes in real-time, while also providing employees with visibility into their schedules and the ability to request time off.

The software typically includes features such as shift swapping and notifications to help ensure that schedules are efficient, accurate, and compliant with labor laws.

You may need employee scheduling software if you have a large workforce and need to manage scheduling for many employees, if you have complex scheduling requirements (such as shift rotations, alternating schedules, etc.), or if you need to reduce manual scheduling tasks and improve the accuracy of your schedules. With employee scheduling software, you can save time, improve communication, and ensure that schedules are optimized for your business needs.

Yes! With the Paylocity mobile app, shifts can be viewed anytime, anywhere, ensuring employees know when they’re working. Busy managers can also view schedules and make updates wherever they are.

Yes, employees can claim and swap shifts on their phones through the Paylocity mobile app. With the employee scheduling feature, shifts can be viewed at all hours, from anywhere, and they can even request time off or shift changes right from their phone. Employees can also provide managers with preferred or unavailable working times and request to claim open shifts.