
Reinventing the Employee Experience

July 20, 2022

Register for this free webinar to learn how to build an employee experience that addresses employees’ needs, supports business objectives, and increases engagement.

In today’s highly competitive, fast-evolving market, employers must deliver effectively and quickly on the modern workforce’s demands for employee experience to attract and retain talent. HR professionals have the challenging job of keeping up with changing employee needs throughout the employee lifecycle while improving productivity and efficiency to achieve business objectives. By re-evaluating and reinventing employee experience, businesses accomplish both an engaged, productive workforce and long-term success.

In this session we’ll:

  • Define the requirements of employee experience to compete in today’s competitive labor market.
  • Differentiate between employee engagement and employee experience.
  • Understand how customer experience has influenced what employees want at work.
  • Explore the role of HR as an employee experience leader in today’s market.

Shari Simpson

Senior Manager Thought Leadership

Georgette Berkheiser

Senior HR Business Partner

HR Tools Built With Employees in Mind

Recruit and retain talent by shaping an environment that makes employees feel valued and engaged. With HR tools built with employees in mind, you can equip your employees to be more self-sufficient and gain valuable insights into what you can automate and where you can strategically focus your resources. You can deliver the experience your employees need to find meaning in their work, and you'll continue improving efficiency.

Human Resources Software
