
2023 EEO-1 Filing Dates Announced

February 28, 2024

The EEOC will open filing for 2023 EEO-1 filing beginning April 30, 2024. Eligible employers must file by June 4, 2024.

Alert, Payroll, Human Resources

At A Glance

  • The EEOC will begin collecting 2023 EEO-1 Component 1 pay data reports from April 30, 2024, until June 4, 2024. 
  • The EEOC will not be collecting EEO-1 Component 2 pay data reports.
  • Private sector employers with 100 or more employees and federal contractors with 50 or more employees meeting certain criteria, are required to file.
  • When updated for 2023, additional information will be available in the Instruction Booklet and on the agency website. The agency estimates this will be available by March 19, 2024.

2023 EEO-1 Report Filing Period 

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) announced 2023 EEO-1 Component 1 data collection will begin April 30, 2024, and stay open until June 4, 2024. Note, the EEOC will not be collecting EEO-1 Component 2 pay data reports at that time, and filing EEO-1 Component 1 pay data reports after the June 4 deadline may result in a “Notice of Failure to File” letter from the EEOC. 

All employers in the private sector with 100 or more employees and federal contractors or subcontractors with 50 or more employees or $50,000 or more in federal contracts must file the EEO-1 report each year. Filers should begin preparing to submit data in anticipation of the opening of the data collection period and can access agency resources (including the 2023 EEO-1 Component 1 Instruction Booklet) by visiting the EEO-1 Home

Filing Process

Covered employers are required to provide data about their workforce, including race, ethnicity, sex, and job category. This information should be collected from a “snapshot period,” or payroll period, in the 4th quarter of 2023.

The preferred method of collecting employee data is through voluntary self-identification. If an employee chooses not to answer, an employer can make a selection by observer identification or through reviewing employment records. Refer to the EEOC’s Fact Sheets for additional information.

The EEO-1 currently only provides binary options (male and female) for reporting employee counts by sex, job category, and race or ethnicity. Employers may voluntarily choose to report demographic data for non-binary employees by sex, job category, and race or ethnicity in the comments section of the report. Employers that voluntarily report non-binary employees in the comments section should not assign the employees to the male or female categories or any other categories within the report. Again, refer to the agency -provided Instruction Booklet for more information.

The preferred and most efficient method of submitting EEO-1 Component 1 reports is through the EEO-1 Component 1 Online Filing System or as an electronically uploaded data file (TXT or CSV). 

There are several reports available in HR & Payroll to aid you in this process, including the EEO Detail report, the EEO Headcount report, and the EEO-1 Report File in CSV format.

Additional Resources

EEO filers can visit the EEOC website for more information and resources regarding updates on data collection. The EEOC Filer Support Team will also be available to respond to filer inquiries and to provide additional filling assistance.

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