Simplify Tax Filing
Import your W-2 directly from Paylocity to one of our tax-filing partners and begin filing your taxes today!
By continuing to one of these third-party websites you understand that these tax preparation partners are not affiliated with Paylocity and are solely responsible for their services. Paylocity does not guarantee that the services provided are accurate, complete or timely, and does not make any warranty with regard to the services provided or results obtained by their use. The registered trademarks and/or service marks in the United States and other jurisdictions of each of the tax preparation partners are of the respective tax preparation partners and are used with permission. See the tax preparation providers’ websites for service descriptions and other important information. Limited time offer. Terms, conditions, features, availability, pricing, fees, service and support option subject to change without notice.
Need More Tax Information?
Head over to our Tax & Compliance resources.