Be Unbeatable Together: 5 Things We Did in March
April 15, 2018
Paylocity gave back with Million Meals, celebrated National Women’s Day, attended TechCon. Learn more about our culture.
Paylocity News
This March came in like a lion at Paylocity! Our employees were busy, doing everything from giving back to bonding to winning big. Want a peek inside Paylocity culture? Take a look at what we did this March:
1. We gave food to those in need
At our corporate office in Schaumburg, we held a CANstruction contest, where employees created structures using canned and boxed food that would later be donated to the local food pantry. Our Central Implementation team won the contest and in the spirit of giving back, gave their prize money to the Palatine Township Food Pantry to supply more food for those in need. A group of employees also volunteered at the local Feed My Starving Children center, packing 112 boxes — 24,192 meals — for undernourished children.
At our Meridian, Idaho office, employees took their CANstructure to the next level, entering one of their structures in the Million Meals in March Canstruction Contest, Idaho Foodbank’s Corporate Challenge where companies in Idaho competed to raise food and funds for Million Meals in March. The Paylocity team used 305 cans to create Disney’s Cinderella Castle, complete with lights and a shooting star. Our Idaho employees also took time to volunteer at the food bank.
In Lake Mary, Florida, employees volunteered at Pine Crest Elementary School in Sanford on a weekly basis to pack bags from the school’s food pantry and distribute the bags to children in need. If there were no bags to pack, the volunteers read to younger students.
2. We celebrated our “sheroes”
March 8 was International Women’s Day and employees across the company shared stories about the women in their life who inspired them. Many of our employees dressed in purple and white and struck the #BalanceforBetter pose. The pose — representing balance — helps to raise awareness for the need for gender balance in our world. And what better day for our newly created women’s Employee Resource Group to hold their kickoff meeting! This group — made up of employees across the company —aims to celebrate empowerment and drive positive change within our Paylocity community.
3. We bonded over tech
At Paylocity, we enjoy any opportunity to get together, and even more so when our product is front and center. Our products and tech teams did just that at TechCon — an annual, multi-day meeting of the minds where attendees learn new skills, evolve existing ones, and enhance team interactions. It was also a chance to get these groups together in one place, as the majority of this workforce is typically remote. Can you say “networking”? Attendees heard from executive leaders, recognized each other for another year of hard work and amazing accomplishments, and of course, had a fun in the process. What better way to get to know your coworkers?
4. We embraced a little friendly competition
Our Lake Mary office hosted their second annual Paylocity Kickball Tournament in early March. Four, 15-player teams went head-to-head, looking to earn the Champions title and, of course, bragging rights. Employees from our various departments came to compete — even some of our remote staff came out and joined in on the fun! This year’s winner was Team Prestige Worldwide, who received medals for their win and a plaque to proudly display in the breakroom until next year’s tournament.
5. …Even with our CEO
Our employees love a good game of ping pong. In the spirit of March Madness, we held a ping pong tournament at our corporate office. Over the course of a week, players faced off against each other in a series of elimination games. The tournament winner had one final challenge — a championship game against our CEO, Steve Beauchamp. Nothing like facing off against the boss! Slawomir Rokita, from our Products team, played with confidence and skill in a best-of-five matchup against Steve, and went undefeated in the series, 3–0. Congrats on victory, Slawomir!
Want to join in on the fun? Learn more about our culture, explore our values, or look at open positions today!