What's New Blog | October 2021

November 09, 2021

October 2021 Releases: Helping Employees Make Informed Decisions during Open Enrollment, Simplified Survey Results Exports, and More
Benefits Administration, Employee Management

It’s Open Enrollment time for many organizations, but with all that’s on your plate this year—most recently, the Emergency Temporary Standard that became effective on November 5th —it’s critical to leverage the power of automation wherever possible. That’s why our October releases included functionality to help open enrollment go more smoothly—without additional work from you.


Use Ready-To-Go Video to Help Employees Select the Best Coverage For Their Needs

New to the mobile and desktop enrollment experience: video content to help educate employees on spending account options (e.g. FSA, HSA, dependent care FSA, etc.). The videos shown are determined by benefits setup—so employees will only see content relevant to the flex benefits you actually offer—and don’t require admin action to add, thus removing the burden from administrators having to create and manage content.  


Ensure Employees Don’t Miss Out On Flexible Benefits

The Paylocity platform can already automatically notify employees of open enrollment periods, and Community can help with reminders as well. (Helpful hint: We’ve heard from many of our clients that Ask an Expert group types are a great way to manage questions about Open Enrollment). Employees will now be notified at the end of enrollment if they decline an FSA or HSA that they’re eligible for. They can choose to go back and enroll in that benefit if they’d like or proceed with finalizing their elections.

Check out the Benefits Readiness Kit for additional tips and resources.


Better Understand Employees' Training and Skills

To help you develop and retain employees, it’s important to be able to quickly and efficiently understand their learning history and skillset to create future plans. In LMS, you can now filter training results to a single employee and download that individual's training results. If you see a gap, you can use LMS’ robust filtering capabilities  to assign that training to the individual. This could be especially useful if you’re using LMS to educate employees on the latest health and safety policies related to the ETS, and need to follow up with those who are behind.

Optimized dynamic reporting will streamline how you can view employees’ skills. The rows to columns feature allows you to easily view and report on employees’ skills in an easy-to-digest format.


Manage Performance Seamlessly For Employees Across Companies

Supervisors can now assign reviews to all their employees, regardless of home company. Coupled with recently released functionality like cross-company goal support and the ability for multi-company administrators to perform all functions within Journals, the Performance experience continues to grow more cohesive for our company set clients.


Connect with Employees and Help Them Connect with Each Other with Video Enhancements

Creating connections with employees in a virtual or hybrid setting can be challenging. One-Click Recorder lets users to easily launch the video recorder from their browser of choice with a single click. And now, it includes new seasonal recorder effects to help make videos fun and engaging. Continue to check back; we’ll be adding seasonal effects on an ongoing basis.


Efficiently Analyze Survey Results with Easy Export

Occasionally there’s a need to launch multiple instances of the same survey—for instance when you’d like results to be confidential but need to organize responses by department. Historically, this could make exporting and organizing raw data tedious, as it had to occur on a per-instance basis. You can now export all survey data for all instances of a given survey with a single click from the Survey Summary tab for simplified analysis.


If you’re already a Paylocity client, visit the Product Training Catalog, or PEAK for more details: